Welcome to our tenth Substack Blog that focuses on construction costs. Engineering News Record (ENR) history that can be traced back to 1874. The publication has its roots in two separate publications, Engineer & Surveyor and The Plumber and Sanitary Engineer. The first issue of Engineering News-Record was published on April 5, 1917. On January 1st, 1987, the acronym ENR was adopted as the title of the magazine. The charts that follow use data that are courtesy of ENR magazine that is published 26 times a year. Historical data was pulled from microfiche copies of the magazine obtained from the New York Public Library. ENR magazine is only a small portion of the products offered by Engineer News Record and we recommend readers, particularly those with an interest in engineering and construction, take the time to view the ENR website to learn more at…
Stainless Steel Sheet
The ENR 20-City average price of Stainless Steel Sheet is up +8.34% over the past 12 months. The lion’s share of that gain was the +6.76% gain MoM from April to May.
I Beams
“6 Deep I Beam prices have reached another record high. Prices are up +13.90% from this time last year.
Re Bar
After a drop in price that started in August of last year the 20-City average price of Re Bar is on the rise again. The 12-month rate of change is +0.21%.
Aluminum Sheet
After the parabolic rise in Aluminum Sheet prices that started in May 2021 and ended in August of last year prices pulled back but they appear to be on the move again. Over the last 12 months prices are up +1.76%.
Data is courtesy of Engineering News Record
Charts are courtesy of Optuma whose charting software enables anyone to visualize any data. To receive a 30-day trial of Optuma charting software go to
The Market’s Compass will publish select ENR construction data charts via The Market’s Compass Substack Blog every one to two weeks when new data is available.